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#TheirLoveWasReal Challenge

A personal campaign sponsored by Supernatural Fans

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*Share this link widely especially on art posts, and remember: every little bit counts!*

In the name of love and representation, Dean/Castiel and Sam/Eileen shippers from the Supernatural fandom are raising money for the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), an American nonprofit legal advocacy organization. The SPLC focuses on victims of discrimination, including the LGBTQ+ and disabled communities. These communities' very real stories are too often forgotten or erased, just as they are in fiction–as we saw when Castiel and Eileen were removed from their narratives.

The SPLC is dedicated to fighting hate and bigotry and to seeking justice for the most vulnerable members of our society. They never take legal fees from their clients and accept no government funding. Your donation will be used to fight hate and bigotry, teach tolerance in schools and communities, and seek justice for the most vulnerable members of society. Using litigation, education, and other forms of advocacy, the SPLC works toward the day when the ideals of equal justice and equal opportunity will be a reality.

As always, when fandom comes together in the name of love, change is made.

For updates and related fanworks, check out the hashtag #TheirLoveWasReal, and follow us on tumblr at "theirlovewasreal."


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